Essential oils are a part of my everyday routine and have been for almost a decade. I use them for a lot of things, including cleaning my floors, doing my laundry, filling up my humidifier, and in my daily skincare routine (duh... lol). Over the years I've come to love mixing oils a developed a few favorite blends that I use frequently. Here are my top 4 for everyday tasks and for the coming fall season:

Sunshine in a bottle

1 drop orange
1 drop lemon
1 drop grapefruit

This blend is a legit cleaning POWERHOUSE and I usually use it when doing laundry and doing everyday household tasks. I use vinegar as a fabric softener and add a few drops of this blend in with it when adding it to the washing machine, and add a drop or two to each homemade wool dryer ball before tossing them in the dryer. I also add about 10 drops to the blend when cleaning my floors. I use a mix of hot water, dishwashing detergent (normally Seven Generations) and cleaning vinegar. For cleaning literally everything, I use a 1/4 cup of cleaning vinegar (more concentrated than regular vinegar), 2 cups of warm water, and 20 drops of Sunshine blend to blast away soap scum, grease, and grime. You'll never look back I promise.


2 drops peppermint
1 drop eucalyptus
1 drop lemon

I add this to my bath water and to my diffuser. When I'm sick this blend brings me life and clears out my sinuses. I also add a drop to our body butter and rub it on my chest to clear congestion during the night.

Basic Blend (AKA Pumpkin Spice)

2 drops cinnamon
1 drop clove
1 drop vanilla

I don't care how basic this is, is still the best for those cool fall nights. I put this in my diffuser and it brings all the neighbors over, usually with wine and snacks ;). 

Tiger Without the 'Balm'

12 drops peppermint
5 drops camphor

6 drops cajuput 
1 drop clove

This is a life-saver. I love to workout. Okay, I love recreational sports and I believe that I must workout in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle and indulge in pizza, wine, and chocolate. I've also struggled with consistency, and in order to keep me dedicated, I have to build a strict schedule around my workout and have to pay a lot of money for it. I know myself well enough to know that this is the only way I stay motivated, make it feel high stake. My favorite place to attend workout classes in Calgary is at CrushCamp, if you haven't been, go now. I've been a member since they opened their doors and I've never been in better shape (if you want to see my abs, just ask, it's like my life accomplishment haha). I usually go about 4-5 times a week, and when you add in all the recreational volleyball, floor hockey and softball that I play, I legit always have very sore and stiff muscles (especially the muscles in my feet... CrushCamp does that to you... and maybe also old age and improper footwear). I mix a few drops of this blend into our Refresh body butter and put it everywhere that hurts. I lather my feet up and put it in a sock. You should try this, you will never have as soft feet. Ever. Pain-free, soft feet. 

There you have it! Some fall favorites and some practical lifesavers. What are your favorites? Shoot us an email with yours to and we will pick 3 lucky winners for a $7 off coupon.